Personal pronouns???

Find the correct pronouns!

I find (this film) .......... rather boring.
When we go ou, can you come along with .........., too?
Who is that man? Why are you looking at ……………….?
I’m talking to you, please listen to ……………. .
Where is Anne? I would like to see ……………… .
I can’t find the tickets. Where are ………………?
We know David and his friend very well. – We see ……………….. every Monday
Jack, can you give me ………….. address, please?
Sally and Jim want to sell ………….. car.
We have got a new dog. ………. name is Peanuts
I am looking for my keys; I can't find ............
She is such anice person, isn't ...........?
I don't know this man but I know ........... dog.
When you are too late you can have (unser) ............ car.
We are working hard, aren't .............?
I like Jack. ............... ideas are funny.
These shoes are great, aren't .............?